UPSC Combined Medical Services Examination 2019 Detailed application form
UPSC Combined Medical Services Main Examination 2019 online window open for Detailed application form

UPSC Combined Medical Services Exam 2019 Detailed Application form open: Union Public Services Commission open registration window for Combined Medical Services Examiantion 2019. Candidates who qualified in prelims examination can apply for the DAF from 26th August to 9th Sept 2019.
Document required
(I) Scanned copy of the certificate of age.
(II) Scanned copy of the certificates showing his/her educational qualification prescribed in para 3(iii) of the Notice of the Examination uploaded on the website of Commission and Rule 6 of the Rules of Examination published in the Gazette of India dated 10th April, 2019.
(III) Scanned copy of the certificate in support of claim to belong to Scheduled Castes/ Scheduled Tribes/Other Backward Classes/EWS/Physically Handicapped (wherever applicable).
(IV) A scanned copy of Undertaking duly signed by the candidate seeking relaxation as OBC candidate in support of claim of not belonging to creamy layer, to be given in format as mentioned in para B-1 of Appendix I.
(V) A scanned copy of duly filled in and signed proforma given as Annexure to Detailed Application Form by the Candidate seeking relaxation as OBC candidate.
(VI) Scanned copy of the certificate in support of claim of age relaxation, wherever applicable.
(VII) Scanned copy of the certificate in support of claim to being Persons with Benchmark Disability ( wherever applicable).
(VIII) Scanned copy of the undertaking duly signed by the candidate if already in Government Service.
Applicants are required to bring the print out of the filled DAF duly signed along with the original certificates mentioned and self- attested copies of the documents when they are called for the interview.
An official notice reads, “Duly signed copy of the online Detailed Application Form alongwith originals of the above certificates are required to be produced along with self certified copies of all the documents at the time of interview or within the last day of interview, which will be published in the Commission’s website in due course, failing which their candidature is liable to be cancelled. It may also be noted that in no case the last date of verification of certificates will be extended. Candidates must also note that they should upload only the scanned copies of the original documents and no document is required to be sent by post.”
Moreover, candidates are advised to read carefully the rules of the examination, which include conditions of eligibility etc. as published in the Gazette of India dated 10th April, 2019. Click here to read.
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