SSC CHSL 2018 Tier 1 Result Declared, Check Here
SSC has declared result of Combined Higher Secodary Level Examination, 2018. Candidate can check result now

SSC CHSL Result 2018: Staff Selection Commission has declared result of Combined Higher Secondary Examination 2018. The Commission conducted the Combined Higher Secondary (10+2) (Tier-I) Examination, 2018 from 01.07.2019 to 11.07.2019 in the Computer Based Mode for Recruitment of Postal Assistants/Sorting Assistants, Data Entry Operators and Lower Divisional Clerks at various centres all over the country.
Based on marks scored in Tier-I Computer Based Examination candidates have been shortlisted, Category-wise to appear for Tier-II (Descriptive Paper). Separate cut-offs have been fixed for the posts of DEO other than C&AG (List-I), DEO in C&AG (List-II) and LDC/JSA and PA/SA (List-III).
Click here for Result Write Up Tier-I_C11_12
SSC CHSL 2018 Tier 1 Result List 1
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