GS Score Gist of Economic Survey 2019-20 Part 2 UPSC 2020

GS Score Gist of Economic Survey 2019-2020 Part 2 for UPSC Civil Service Prelims and Mains Examination 2020.

GS Score Gist of Economic Survey 2019-2020
GS Score Gist of Economic Survey 2019-2020 Part 2

GS Score Gist of Economic Survey 2019-2020 Part 2: Read Gist of Economic Survey 2019-2020 for UPSC Civil Service Exam 2020. This will help you to enhance your answer in mains answers.

GS Score endeavored to provide a synopsis of Economic Survey 2019-2020. This is part 2 of this pdf, You can download GS Score Gist of Economic Survey Part 1.

  1. State of the Economy,
  2. Fiscal Developments,
  3. External Sector,
  4. Monetary Management and Financial Intermediation,
  5. Prices and Infl ation,
  6. Sustainable Development and Climate Change,
  7. Agriculture & Food Management,
  8. Services Sector,
  9. Privatization and Wealth Creation,
  10. Social Infrastructure, Employment and Human Development,
  11. Thalinomics: The Economics Of A Plate Of Food In India.

Download GS Score Economic Survey Highlight 2019 20 Part 2


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