KPSC Karnataka Public Service Commission Postpones ACF Prelims Exam
Karnataka Public Service Commission (KPSC) has postponed the preliminary exam for Assistant Conservator of Forest (ACF) Examination 2O2O due to Covid-19 impact.

KPSC ACF Prelims Exam postponed: Karnataka Public Service Commission (KPSC) has notified that Assistant Conservator of Forest (ACF) recruitment prelims Exam is postponed. Candidates can check official notice released at the official website of the commission.
Karnataka Assistant Conservator of Forest recruitment is held as per Karnataka State Forest Department Services(Recruitment) (Amendment) Rules 2002.
The preliminary exam is held for selection of candidates for undergoing the forestry diploma training course for a period of two years in any Government of India recognised State Forest Service training college in the following manner, subject to the reservation orders of the Government.
This year, February 2020, KPSC had notified recruitment for a total of 1,112 Assistant or First Division Assistant (FDA) posts. The KPSC Assistant recruitment is being held for the Resident Parent Cadre (RPC) and Hyderabad Karnataka (HK) cadres. The Commission has notified 975 vacancies for RPC and 137 notifications for HK. The exam was scheduled to be held in May now stands deferred.
The commission also released the revised schedule for departmental exams, check official website.
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