Vision IAS Weekly COVID 19 and World Order UPSC CSE 2020-21

Vision IAS Weekly Magazine COVID 19 and World Order. for UPSC Civil Services Examinations 2020.

COVID 19 and World Order
COVID 19 and World Order

COVID 19 and World Order: for UPSC Civil Services Mains Examination 2020. COVID-19 has created a global stir and ushered in a medical emergency in the form of a pandemic, that has impacted almost all the countries across the globe. Humanity as a whole seems to be under a severe existential threat.

At the same time, the pandemic seems to have pressed a global ‘Reset’ button, thereby stimulating a process wherein policymakers across the globe are virtually working in tandem to combat the crisis and attempting to formulate an alternative socio-economic policies that can perform in the post-COVID world.

COVID 19 and World Order


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