Vision IAS Weekly Magazine Climate Change Negotiation for UPSC CSE 2021

Vision IAS has released its weekly magazine Climate Change Negotiation, Candidates can read this magazine for subject society, science, and technology.

Vision IAS Weekly Magazine Climate Change Negotiation for UPSC Civil Services Mains Examination.

Vision IAS Climate Change Negotiation
Vision IAS Climate Change Negotiation

Vision IAS Climate Change Negotiation: Vision IAS has released a weekly magazine Climate Change Negotiation on 1st December 2020. Candidates can read this magazine for science and technology and society subjects.

Climate change has been hitting the world with unprecedented ferocity in the past few years – through heatwaves, untimely monsoon, storms, floods, droughts, wildfires, rising sea levels, etc. Some researchers have also found linkages between ecosystem stability, the environment, and human health, including zoonotic diseases like COVID-19. Since climate change is a global emergency that goes beyond national borders it requires coordinated solutions at all levels and international cooperation. Thus, international and intergovernmental negotiations like the landmark Paris Climate Agreement (PCA) of 2015 have been critical to helping countries move toward a low-carbon economy to tackle rising temperatures.

Last Week Vision IAS released magazine Social Media and Society.


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